Finding Your Fulfilling Purpose- Nichole Howson

photo 5aAn Interview with Nichole Howson, author and creator of  Nichole is a Business student who grew up in a town outside of Windsor, Ontario, on a dairy and cash crop farm where she learned what it means to work hard, and what is involved to be successful. She is an avid coffee lover who enjoys a good action film or a chick flick, depending on the day, and enjoys reading both non-fiction and fiction books in her spare time. She takes great joy in organizing, scheduling, and participating in social media. She has a passion for volunteerism, but more specifically helping those who are hurting, whether it is emotionally, physically, or mentally. Nichole hopes that her future career will embrace these passions, and allow her to help others in a larger capacity.

Q: For God has “called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which as given to us in Christ Jesus before time began” (2 Timothy 1:9) When and how did you know what God’s plan was for you?

A: I knew that God had great plans for me when I was in High School. I knew I would be involved in a ministry but I was unsure as to what ministry it might be. I thought maybe I was meant to be a pastor, so when I started college I began attending Bible College.

I soon learned that God had a different plan for me. It wasn’t to be a pastor. I learned that my Ministry may not be as big as I thought, but it is most important to God.

Q: Once the Lord spoke to you about your purpose did you obey right away or did you struggle?

A: When I finally head the purpose that God had for me, I waited. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to open up about my deepest and darkest moments and bare my soul to world. I spent time in prayer and God showed me that although I felt I might not be ready, that I was in fact more than ready and should be excited to share my passions with others.

Q: What obstacles did you have to overcome and/or still run into?

A: Having a ministry that includes writing about Mental illness is purposehard. It is hard to hear the stories of others who are struggling. The first email I received sharing their heart breaking story, I cried. But I knew that I needed to pray. I prayed for that person. I prayed for me. I prayed and I asked God what wisdom He wanted to share with that person. I let God lead my words and when I did that, it suddenly became easier. Sure, it is still hard, but I have a peace that comes from my faith in Christ.

Q: Is what you are doing currently fulfilling? In what ways?

A: When I first started my Blog, I told my friends and family that this made me happy. It really did. It is so fulfilling knowing that you are doing what God wants for you. Knowing that you are fulfilling God’s purpose for you life.

Q: Do you recall a time when you lacked peace about a job or situation and how God delivered you out of it?

A: Ever since I started my blog, the Devil has been attacking me. I struggle with mental illness just as my followers do. The Devil attacked me and slowly slid anxiety, fear, and depression back into my life. Writing blog posts on being happy, or trusting God suddenly became so much harder. When I realized that I was under the attack of the Devil I prayed. I asked God to heal me and show me what He wants me to do next. When I put my trust in God, my peace was restored.

listen to his voiceQ: What advice to you have for women who are still searching to fulfill their purpose?

A: If you are still searching to fulfill your purpose, please keep praying! Even if you have found your purpose, keep praying. God will show you what He wants you to do. It might not be right away. He might only show you the first step in His plan, but follow Him and your purpose will be made clear.

I would like to thank Nichole for taking the time to be interviewed and sharing a piece of herself with all of you.

Connect with Nichole!



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